
Based in Switzerland, HackaHealth supports people with disabilities by developing personalised solutions that improve their daily living.

The association is motivated by a firm belief in the power of togetherness, and it works to transform the perception of disability through play, inclusion and technology.

HackaHealth’s activities include open projects, the development and dissemination of online resources, an Assistive Technologies Challenge course at EPFL in Switzerland, and flagship annual 48-hour hackathons.


A financial contribution from the Neuro.io Foundation funded the organisational resource that was needed to run a hackathon in Geneva, during which interdisciplinary teams worked on assistive technology projects put forward by people with disabilities to tackle challenges in their daily living. The teams included engineers, designers and the end-users.

During the weekend’s closing ceremony, the public could discover the innovative solutions developed throughout the two days. Technological advancements and initiatives from researchers, end-users and industry were also showcased, with a final open discussion exploring how the community could continue to work together to further improve the lives of people with disabilities.


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